Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Food Investigators program

Hello All,

In case you don't already know there is a very interesting program on SBS at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights called the Food Investigators. Unfortunately, I have missed nearly all episodes as I am feeding and putting my baby girl into bed. The good news is that you can watch all episodes on the SBS website and there are also links to recipes and information about many cuisines.



  1. Last week's episode included a segment on iodine - really informative. Quite bizarre to think most of us used to get our daily requirement of iodine from milk due to contamination of the milk from the sterilisation process which used to use iodine. These days a large proportion of the Australian population is iodine deficient (due to low iodine content in our soils) which actually has some significant implications for health. In all the information and advice given to me during my pregnancy earlier in the year, it seems strange that iodine was never mentioned even though this is an essential nutrient.

    Some info at:

    Good brochure (just ignore Nestle's product promotion): http://www.nestle.com.au/NR/rdonlyres/2780D1DB-1180-4953-9216-25D11C07242A/0/Nestle_IODINE.pdf

    Exec summary of an article about iodine in milk: http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/184_06_200306/letters_200306_fm-2.html

  2. Iodine deficiency is one of the indirect health issues in areas that have Land Mines - because there's so little 'safe' land to farm the soil that is used becomes depleted from over-use.
